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Marvel at risk of losing the rights to "Spider-Man"
Spider-Man: Far From Home was recently released in theaters, grossing over $500 million in its opening weekend worldwide. Despite this, it's not all good news for Marvel.

Everything seems to indicate that the latest Spider-Man movie will be decisive in determining whether Sony Picture, which has the film rights to Spider-Man, will continue to grant permission to Marvel to continue creating films of this highly appreciated character.
According to some leaked clauses of what would be the contract between Marvel and Sony Picture, "Spider-Man: Far From Home" must raise at least 1,000 million dollars if Marvel wants to continue producing Peter Parker movies.
It must be remembered that the previous Spider-Man sagas, produced by Sony Pictures, started very well at the box office, although his latest films could be considered a commercial failure. This may have been the main factor why such a large requirement has been imposed on Marvel Studios.

Another factor that puts the Spider-Man saga produced by Marvel at risk is Tom Holland's soon-to-end contract. The actor only signed to participate in 6 UMC movies, for which he would only have one participation left in the Marvel movies.
Despite all these problems, Marvel is already thinking about the plot of the next Spider-Man movie. Kevin Feige, CEO of Marvel Studios, gave some statements to the Fandango medium about what could happen in the next "Spider-Man" film:
And now people know Peter's true identity. Now thought to be a villain, Mysterio plays his latest trick and succeeds... So that means everything will change. Where will it go? We will see. But it's exciting that once again everything is ready for a Peter Parker story that has never been seen in the cinema.
At the moment, "Spider-Man: Far From Home" has already raised more than 600 million dollars worldwide, so it seems quite likely that it will reach the figure of 1,000 million dollars that Sony Picture demands from Marvel.