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Marta Sepúlveda will continue to fight for a dignified death

The euthanasia procedure was suspended

Dilis Salazar
2 min de lectura
Marta Sepúlveda will continue to fight for a dignified death
Marta Sepulveda

When many dream of a few more years of life, Marta Sepúlveda just wants to die.

This 51-year-old woman, who had advocated for a euthanasia procedure and was happy to have her petition granted; now he feels the regret, as the "assisted death" procedure was canceled a few days later.

The Colombian Institute of Pain (Incodol), canceled the request 36 hours after the first approval.

Incodol's arguments were based on a study of the situation, where it was stated that said petition does not meet the “terminality” criterion and that in addition, the woman has a high probability of expectations greater than 6 months.

In defense, Sepúlveda's family alleges that this procedure has violated the right to a dignified death. This has caused great controversy among the inhabitants, as many reproaches them for having been denied the possibility of avoiding suffering.

Sepúlveda is the first woman to euthanize without a terminal illness in Colombia; since 2018 she was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); This condition produces intense pain and great difficulty in getting around.

Despite this condition, the Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee for the Right to Die with Dignity, concluded that the patient's health status is evolutionary, for which euthanasia is canceled.

"Indocol made the decision due to the impact of the news"

Federico Redondo, Sepúlveda's son pointed out that Indocol made the decision due to the impact of the news.

Days before, the Caracol channel had broadcast the interview with Marta Sepúlveda, where she was happy for the confirmation of her request, and expressed that she had managed to live her last days with great tranquility.

According to her, "God did not want to see her suffer more from her illness."

This caused much controversy in the Catholic Church, so the episcopal conference spoke and asked to suspend the procedure.

Despite the cancellation of euthanasia, Federico Redondo said that both he and his family will continue to fight for his mother to have a dignified death.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Marta Sepúlveda seguirá luchando por una muerte digna
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