An exquisite recipe from mere in sauce with fungus

6 min de lectura
An exquisite recipe from mere in sauce with fungus – Recipes – WebMediums
Mero in sauce with fungus

The recipe of the mere in sauce with fungus is an excellent way to displease a delicious lunch. Its preparation is made with several ingredients, but the most interesting and unusual is chocolate. The latter gives a touch of authentic and delicious flavor. Your recipe is simple to prepare if you make it as we explain later.

Next, we will explain the recipe in a simple way detailing each step of the process to be done, as we also offer some additional advice, recommendations and curiosities.

Mero ingredients in sauce with fungus

  • 1 kilogramos de pescado mero (cherna).

  • Un cuarto de gramo de hongos previamente fileteados, puede ser champiñones.

  • 120 gramos de cebollas.

  • 100 mililitros de aceite

  • 50 gramos de margarina.

  • 20 gramos de orégano molido.

  • 20 gramos de tomillo debe ser seco.

  • 20 gramos de harina (de trigo).

  • 100 gramos de Perejil picado.

  • 300 mililitros de agua aproximadamente.

  • 150 mililitros de vino, debe ser blanco.

  • 1 onza de chocolate puro rallado.

  • El zumo de jugo de limón.

  • Sal.

  • 350 gramos de arvejas o chícharos, previamente refrigerados.

  • 3 cucharas de aceite (puede ser aceite de oliva extra virgen).

  • La mitad de un pimentón mediado, debe estar finamente picado.

  • Sal al gusto.

Tips and recommendations before starting the recipe:

  • Before starting the preparation of the mere recipe in salsa with fungi, turn on washing and cleaning mushrooms or mushrooms to use very well. Preferably, use a dry and clean cooking cloth, because they contain excess water.

  • The mere fish and fungi they will use should be preferably fresh to give excellent flavor to their food.

  • Have all the ingredients and utensils in hand, to facilitate the preparation of your recipe.

Steps to follow for the preparation of the mere in the mushroom room

  1. Add oil and margarine inside a pot, place it on the stove over low heat and wait for the margarine to melt or that the oil is adequately hot.

  2. Start adding, minced onions and onions and Clean, then, add oregano and thyme, then mix carefully using a wooden palette, for 5 to 8 minutes.

  3. Continue adding the dressings to use and wheat flour, voltéelos constantly and add water and wine.

  4. Salt, oregano and let them cook at low temperature.

  5. To overtake, clean and wash the seabed very carefully, because it brings a lot of dirt from the sea.

  6. Pick them into pieces, place it inside a container and, ends by adding chocolate on top of the preparation of your recipe.

  7. Continue adding the sauce prepared to fish, add lemon juice and cook At low temperature. Its finishing must be soft and with enough sauce.

  8. Keep cooking the grains with salt and water.

  9. Place a pan to heat on the stove, with enough oil.

  10. Next, immerse the chopped onion and the cooked grains should be previously drained so that it does not splash oil submerged in the pan.

  11. Once it is well cooked and with a desired texture, serve the saucer, surrounding the saucer, surrounding the saucer The grains around the fish, add the sauce on top of your meal.

Additional recommendations for a perfect recipe of mere

If something left over, look out in a deep container tap it and save it in the refrigerator. In this way, this food will have long duration, and you can eat it without any problem. To eat it, just introduce it to the microwave, hot and serve the saucer.

Some diversities of this recipe for mere fish

Mere Mayor:

This dish is to prepare slices of fish, in a deep container preferably that is mud. You can eat it in the company of stir-fried tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic and pepper.

Mero Canariad:

For preparation of the saucer, the fish of this recipe is fried, it is eaten accompanied by garrisons in salsa.

Mere sailor:

Its main ingredients are fish, garlic, onion, white wine and paprika, and in cooking should try to leave enough sauce.

Mere Mediterranean:

For your cooked, the previously clean grouper fish should be placed in a boiling pot, adding alliños, salt and mint to taste to give you a better taste. Also, you should always stay with a very traditional broth.

Mere Spanish:

Its preparation is to fry mere fish and serve it in tomato, leek, pepper, potatoes, and corn. Interestingly, his recipe is of Venezuelan origin.

Mero tomato:

Your recipe for mere to tomato is an excellent option to cook a nutritious lunch. Its main ingredients are grouped fish and natural tomato sauce. In many countries they eat it mainly in Lent or Easter as a religious symbol.

Baked fish metered:

The recipe of the baking of the mere fish, is a simple recipe for cooking. Its main ingredients are the mere fish and potatoes on wheels. It is added ground pepper, onion and salt to taste. In this recipe the potatoes and the mere fish are prepared in different trays for cooking, at the time of serving, the mere is placed in the center of the plate and the potatoes around.

Mere the lemon:

It is an excellent option to taste the properties that mere fish offers us. Its main ingredients are grouper, lemon and thyme. Its preparation is traditional and the most consumed in the Caribbean islands.

Curiosities of the mere in sauce with fungi:

  • The mere is a marine fish, large, width and flavor. Apart, it has very good physical and nutritional qualities, which makes them one of the favorite dishes to prepare in the kitchen.

  • His recipe originated in the Caribbean islands.

  • Currently, exist More than 3500 ways to prepare mere worldwide, it is even registered that there are 6000 variations of this delicious fish.

  • This type of fish has a strange way to change its color, others change their sexual state, where they produce sperm in their youth and can give offspring in their old age. It is a fish recommended by nutrition experts, because it contains high properties in the minerals that our body needs.

  • The mere in mushroom sauce is a saucer that is best better in the company of a wine glass. Tinto, because it enhances the taste of fungi.
