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HoYeon Jung Finds Concern About The Series Caused Her Scandalous Thinness
South Korean actress HoYeon, who participates in the hit Netflix series "The Squid Game", has revealed the reasons for her unexpected weight loss and has ruled out that it is a dietary problem.

The disturbing news about the artist's weight reduction came to light thanks to some photos she shared. In one of the photographs, he appeared wearing underwear and another a gala suit, which caused an avalanche of comments from his followers, concerned for his well-being.
The 27-year-old artist revealed in a conversation with Star News that she definitely does not suffer from any type of dietary disorder.
He did not doubt that the main cause of this extreme weight loss is clearly due to the pressure related to the making of the series The Squid Game.
He also commented that, in promoting the series, he did not have time to eat. For this reason, little by little he was losing his weight.
He assured that the clothing he used the first time he traveled to the United States, after this radical change, all the pieces are loose.
For HoYeon Jung, this is not the first time that he talks about his weight loss, since he admitted in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he has lost up to 3 kilos in a week.
Regarding the series, the director of "Squid Game" assured that not only is the possibility of a second season being studied, but also a third.