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New Xiaomi controller for video games

Ramiro Guzman
4 min de lectura
New Xiaomi controller for video games – Technology – WebMediums
Xiaomi begins to venture strongly into the world of video games with its new Bluetooth controller.

Xiaomi is trending again for the launch of its new video game controller. Indeed, the Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition will be the most innovative of the brand, in addition to its mobile devices

In particular, it will set the tone for the Chinese tech giant's foray into the gaming world. Also, according to the first images shown, it will be similar to the PS4 Dualshock.

Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition, what is known so far

Xiaomi continues to gain ground in the world of technology. Now, hand in hand with this recent invention, he hopes to win carats in the gaming section as such.

The Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition is a specialized controller with Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. Broadly speaking, its appearance is similar to that of a Play Station 4 control, but with an imposing white color.

At the moment, it is not known exactly if it will be available for video game consoles. However, it was confirmed that it will be compatible with computers, smart TVs and mobile phones with a specific Android operating system.

New Xiaomi controller for video games – Technology – WebMediums
The premise of the Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition will be its direct compatibility with mobile devices.

Additionally, the possibility of its compatibility with Windows and, mainly, Steam was hinted at. On the other hand, it seems that it will cover other devices for personal use such as tablets. In that respect, it will become quite a versatile component.

What are the features of the Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition?

As has been mentioned, the Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition is almost symmetrical to the PS4 controller. However, they differ, apart from the color, in the position of the joysticks.

On the one hand, if the comparison is made, the joysticks of the PS4 control lie located in the center of it. And, on the other hand, those of the Elite Gamepad slightly change position. Specifically, the left one is prostrate where the "arrows" are and vice versa.

New Xiaomi controller for video games – Technology – WebMediums
The left joystick changes position with the “arrow” buttons.

Among other features of the Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition, the addition of two extra triggers is highlighted. In this way, the gameplay with the command will be much greater than expected. At the same time, the player's comfort or convenience will be increased.

For the rest, it contains the typical module of main buttons A, B, Y and X. In another order of ideas, it is worth highlighting the addition of a 6-axis InvenSense sensor, which has been commented as a marvel. Thanks to him, the haptic sensation is at a much higher level.

Ultimately, wireless connectivity will be its forte, starting from the Bluetooth 5.0 protocol. At the same time, its 2.4G USB connector cannot be left out.

When will the Xiaomi Gamepad Elite Edition be available?

At the moment, the Xiaomi controller is official to go out in the Chinese market. Although it is not known in detail when its global launch will be, there is already a glimpse of its price.

In retrospect, it will cost approximately 399 yuan or what is equal to 60 dollars to change. It will have practically the same commercial value as the controls of PS4 and Xbox.

Even so, the Xiaomi remote will have a small benefit over its competitors. At the time of your purchase, a special support for mobile phones or tablets will be attached to the sale. Incredibly, it won't add extra value to it, but will maintain its standard price.

In conclusion, Xiaomi continues to flood the market with new multifunctional pieces of technology. It has already wowed us with its mobile devices, as well as its line of smart TVs and fleet of robots. What will the future hold for this new terminal?

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Nuevo mando Xiaomi para videojuegos
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Ramiro Guzman

Miembro desde casi 3 años

Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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