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Android 13 includes a new taskbar

Andy Vilchez
3 min de lectura
Android 13 includes a new taskbar – ThisPhone – WebMediums
Android 13 has a lot of improvements compared to the previous version.

Not long ago we met the new Android 13 developer preview, which includes a good number of new features. Although it is only a preview and this version is still a long way from being complete, but it already shows great potential.

In this short article we are going to talk about some of the main features that we could see in this new version. One of the most important is, without a doubt, the new taskbar, however, this is not the only one.

Better control of permissions

Android 13 includes a new taskbar – ThisPhone – WebMediums
Android 13 brings with it better permission management.

One of the main innovations included in this new version is a better management of permissions. This means that you will forget about all those applications that are abusive with permissions.

From a direct access you will be able to revoke all system permissions. This is something vital to have greater control of those more delicate permissions to which some applications have access.

A new permission has also arrived and this is notifications. Previously, apps had access to notifications by default. However, now, when installing an application, you will be able to choose if you want to give it access to notifications or not.

Close apps running in the background

Android 13 includes a new taskbar – ThisPhone – WebMediums
A new management of applications in the background.

Apps running in the background are a pain, especially if you have a device with a limited amount of memory. Fortunately, in Android 13 these will no longer be a problem, because now in the status bar you can see the applications in the background.

In this way you will be able to close them in a fairly simple way, so they will not be consuming memory. This is a feature that Android users have been asking for for many years and it has finally arrived.

New permissions

Android 13 includes a new taskbar – ThisPhone – WebMediums
You will have greater control of notifications.

In addition to the notifications permission that we have talked about, in this new version some others are also included, among which are a " music and audio " permission. Additionally, a “photos and videos”, “nearby devices”, “files and documents” permission is also included.

With these new permissions, you will be able to have more control over what the application does. Similarly, this new version of the operating system will notify you in the event that an application is abusing the use of the battery.

A new taskbar

Android 13 includes a new taskbar – ThisPhone – WebMediums
Android 13 brings a new taskbar for tablets.

One of the best novelties included in this new system is the new task bar. With it you will be able to keep all the shortcuts at hand regardless of the application you have open.

This new taskbar is available mainly for tablets and is a very interesting addition for all users of this new version.

Android has been looking for ways to make the system much more user-friendly for those with a tablet. Now with this new taskbar the use of the operating system is significantly improved.

It is important to mention that this bar is not useful on mobile phones, however, it is possible to activate it. The process is simple, but it is not worth doing. If you have a tablet, this taskbar will be enabled by default, so you won't need to enable it again.

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