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The simplest guidelines to know and treat alopecia

Alopecia is a disorder that occurs in all countries of the world. It is a pathophysiological condition that can even be present from an early age in life.
Although it is a tedious condition, today there are several ways to be treated.
From non-pharmacological to simple medicinal measures that produce more than effective results.
Do you know exactly what alopecia is?
In medical terms, it is defined as a pathophysiological or abnormal condition related to pubic hair or hair.
That is, it is not only limited to the scalp, but it can occur in various areas of the body.
It is precisely such a definition that differs from the word "baldness" where only the hair on the head is affected. Therefore, alopecia is a more serious and uncomfortable disorder in comparison.
When it occurs in several areas of the body, it usually affects the armpits, face (beard or eyelashes) and the genital area. However, it is known that 95% of cases are due to the so-called "androgenic alopecia" where the scalp is involved.
The loss of hair or pubic hair occurs gradually and according to the rule, begins on the head.
Alopecia is considered when the hair loss is exaggerated and a period of time of less than 6 months associated with different factors or important causes.
The most common causes related to the appearance of alopecia
The causes of alopecia are varied, being, in general, associated with hereditary, hormonal and environmental factors.
Sometimes the combination of each of them can lead to more pronounced pictures than others.

It is proven that those people with scalp deficits are inbred with relatives with the same case. Based on this premise, it is established that the genetic component plays a non-leading role, but a "cast" role.
Hormones control manyl processes in the body, so an imbalance in them is felt. Commonly, an androgenic decrease or alteration causes damage to the hair follicle and, therefore, the appearance of alopecia.
The environmental factor refers to external agents that interact with the scalp and pubic hair. From dermatological or hygiene products with a predisposition to allergies, to the simple fact of stressful situations set the tone.
It should be noted that each type of alopecia has its own intrinsic triggers.
But, for practical purposes, the medical literature summarizes them in three components globally: hormonal, hereditary and environmental.
And what are the types of alopecia that exist?
The same medical academy has structured two large groups to simplify the classification of alopecia. Within that order of ideas, they stand as:
Non-scarring: they are those in which the hair follicle is not structurally damaged. As a favorable consequence, they can be treated normally, reducing or preventing the appearance of sequelae.
Scarring: otherwise, there is irreversible damage to the hair follicle that prevents its regeneration. They are secondary to recurrent infectious causes, congenital malformations and tumor processes that alter the anatomy of the follicle.

For clarification, the section on non-scarring alopecia incorporates up to 4 subtypes: androgenic, areata, traumatic and diffuse. Although the follicular architecture is compromised, the causal factor is not conducive enough to damage it completely.
Alopecia is a treatable and curable disorder
The most used aesthetic treatments are massage therapy and capillary biostimulation. Among the two, the first mentioned is the one that has gained the most ground since its creation.
In essence, it is a minimally invasive procedure where nutritional and vitamin components are inoculated to the scalp. In this way, it openly contributes to hair regeneration.
At the same time, pharmacology invites the use of anti-androgenic therapy to balance the production of these hormones. Basically, it is a complementary treatment that prevents the appearance of sequelae and more reluctant pictures.
For more serious forms such as scarring alopecia, the cause is addressed first. The specialist will identify it and immediately attack the symptoms and then focus on the recovery of the hair follicle by exogenous aesthetic measures.
Fortunately, it can be easily prevented
The key guidelines for alopecia prevention are easy to apply right out of the box. In general, they are basic personal measures such as:
Avoid aesthetic treatments that damage the hair architecture. Call it dryers, irons, dyes, perms and more, they put the follicle in "check" as such.
Excessive consumption of toxic substances for the body such as alcohol and tobacco influence. It weakens the way the body distributes essential nutrients for follicular growth.
The predominance of cosmetic and hair hygiene products of natural origin is recommended. Strong essences or added chemicals are also important risk factors.