Why should I eat papaya seeds?
The benefits of papaya seeds are so great that sometimes it is hard to believe: some small seeds and so many useful qualities! That's why today we decided to make a small list of its advantages, so that next time do not discard, but can eat papaya seeds.

1. Aids digestion
First, papaya seeds contain large amounts of digestive enzymes that promote good digestion. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help control the proliferation of bacteria.
Likewise, they help prevent or stop heartburn. To do this, you need to eat seven papaya seeds seven times a day. You can simply chew or chop, pour water and drink.
2. Natural antiparasitic
In addition to its digestive properties, papaya seeds also contain antiparasitic enzymes. Its nutritional composition includes a sufficient amount of alkaloid, known as carpain. And he, in turn, effectively fights intestinal parasites.
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How to use the beneficial properties of papaya seeds?
• It is recommended to extract papaya seeds from the pulp and dry them in the sun.
• Then tritúrelos (tritúrelos in powder) and pour in any suitable container.
• The ideal is to consume papaya seeds 2 or 3 times a day. You can mix them with water, juice or honey.
If you are going to give papaya seeds to children, you should be careful. Nutritionists recommend this dose: 1 seed for every 5 full years of the child. Therefore, more than three seeds should not be given to children and adolescents.
3. Protection of renal health
It is simply incredible: these small black seeds can prevent kidney problems, that is, kidney failure. They will also be an excellent addition to treatment if you already have kidney disease.
How to take advantage of papaya seeds?
• You can consume only 7 seeds per day, dividing them into 7 receptions. If its taste is unpleasant, you can mix them with water or juice.
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4. Cleansing the liver
The liver is a very important organ responsible for eliminating toxins from the body. All substances harmful to the body pass through the liver and filter them, which prevents the development of many diseases.
And if you eat several papaya seeds, together with the fruit or separately, you will help the liver a lot. Therefore, it will be much easier for her to naturally cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

How to obtain these useful properties?
• In this case, it is sufficient to cut 5 seeds of papaya and eat them together with a small amount of juice (lemon can be used). And so twice a day during the month.
• This treatment will be very useful for the skin, which, as a rule, suffers a lot during liver poisoning.
5. burn fat
Another advantage of eat papaya seeds, is the fight against fat. They prevent the body from absorbing fats and sugars.
As a result, papaya seeds promote faster weight loss.
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6. Reduce the risk of cancer
Papaya seeds contain something like juice, and it has a component called acetogenin. According to scientific studies, it helps prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
This is another reason why papaya seeds are consumed along with fruit (in different countries of the world).